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Contact & Imprint

ADEQAT Investment Services
GmbH & Co KG

Tuchlauben 8 / 402 (4th floor, Top 2)
1010 Vienna, Austria

This English translation is for convenience purposes only. The German wording is the only legally binding version. 

Media owner and publisher

ADEQAT Investment Services GmbH & Co KG

Tuchlauben 8 / 402
1010 Vienna, Austria

Information / Editorial policy

The purpose of the ADEQAT Investment Services GmbH & Co KG website is to provide information about our company, its services and products and related information. This information does not constitute an offer in the legal sense. 

Photos: Petra Rainer, Michael Meier, Stefan Gergely

Photos may not be published or disseminated without explicit prior consent. 

Business purpose

The ADEQAT Investment Services GmbH & Co KG operates as a realtor (real estate trustee, limited to real estate agent) and as a commercial financial adviser (exclusive of life insurance and accident cover). The company is entitled to conduct all business transactions and measures – subject to statutory restrictions – which appear suitable to serve the business purpose.

Our office is located in Vienna’s city centre

Our office is located in the first district, on Tuchlauben 8. We value a pleasant atmosphere – both for us and for our clients in a top city-centre location in Vienna. 

We look forward to meeting you!